 학과소개 교수소개
청운관 148호
2018-2021, The Ohio State University 박사

2016-2018, 서울대학교 농생명공학부 석사

2009-2016, 성균관대학교 식품생명공학과 학사
주요 경력
2022.01-2022.12, University of California-Davis, Postdoctoral Researcher
연구 분야
지속가능한 식품가공

1. AI-Coupled Process Design & Modeling

2. Upcycling Food Material
- Novel Food Material (e.g. Cultivated Meat)
- Edible Film and Antimicriboal Coating

3. Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA)
주요논문 및 저서
Woo-Ju Kim, Osvaldo H. Campanella, and Dennis R. Heldman. 2022. A stepwise approach to predict the performance of forward osmosis operation: Effect of temperature and flow direction. Desalination. 538, 115889

Woo-Ju Kim, Veeramani Karuppuchamy, Dennis R. Heldman. 2022. Evaluation of maximum wall shear stress from air impingement to remove food deposits from stainless steel surfaces. Journal of Food Engineering. 110825

Woo-Ju Kim, Osvaldo H. Campanella, and Dennis R. Heldman. 2021. Predicting the performance of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (DCMD): Mathematical determination of appropriate tortuosity based on porosity. Journal of Food Engineering. 294, 110400.
저널 논문
◾ Synergistic effects of 915 MHz microwave heating and essential oils on inactivation of foodborne pathogen in hot-chili sauce, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY, vol.398, 2023김우주
◾ Recovery of cleaning agents from clean-in-place (CIP) wastewater using nanofiltration (NF) and forward osmosis (FO), JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, vol.53, 2023김우주
◾ Recovery of cleaning agents from Clean-In-Place (CIP) wastewater using nanofiltration (NF) and direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD), FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, vol.167, 2023김우주
◾ Effect of temperature, wall shear stress, and NaOH concentration on cleaning effectiveness, JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, vol.88 No.4 pp.1523~1532, 2023김우주
◾ A stepwise approach to predict the performance of forward osmosis operation: Effect of temperature and flow direction, Desalination, 2022김우주
◾ Influence of cleaning agent reuse on cleaning effectiveness, Journal of Food Engineering, 2022김우주
◾ Evaluation of maximum wall shear stress from air impingement to remove food deposits from stainless steel surfaces, Journal of Food Engineering, 2022김우주
◾ Comparison of flow characteristics in a bench‐scale system with commercial‐scale pipelines: Use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Journal of Food Science, 2021김우주
◾ Predicting the performance of direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD): Mathematical determination of appropriate tortuosity based on porosity, Journal of Food Engineering, 2021김우주
◾ Combination effect of 915 MHz microwave heating and carvacrol for inactivation of Escherichia coli O157: H7, Salmonella Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes in hot chili sauce, Food Control, vol.121, 2021김우주
◾ A mathematical estimation of the structural parameter for prediction of Forward Osmosis (FO) performance, Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol.39, 2021김우주
◾ Thermal and non-thermal treatment effects on Staphylococcus aureus biofilms formed at different temperatures and maturation periods, Food Research International, vol.137, 2020김우주
◾ Synergistic effect of 222-nm krypton-chlorine excilamp and mild heating combined treatment on inactivation of Escherichia coli O157: H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium in apple juice, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2020김우주
◾ Comparison of spindle and stomacher efficacy for detaching biofilms from stainless steel, PVC, and green leafy vegetable surfaces, British Food Journal, vol.122 No.2 pp.503~514, 2020김우주
◾ Inactivation of foodborne pathogens influenced by dielectric properties, relevant to sugar contents, in chili sauce by 915 MHz microwaves, LWT, vol.96 pp.111~118, 2018김우주
◾ Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes, Letters in applied microbiology, vol.67 No.2 pp.154~160, 2018김우주
◾ Inhibition of Initial Attachment of Injured Salmonella Typhimurium onto Abiotic Surfaces, Journal of Food Protection, 2018김우주
Cuong Nguyen, Woo-Ju Kim, Nitin Nitin. September 2022. Scaffold development for cultivated meat products. Cellular Agriculture USDA. USA

Woo-Ju Kim, Yixing Lu, Chao Huang, Nitin Nitin, Tarek Zohdi, Xin Liu. September 2022. AI-enabled model for food manufacturing and nutrient delivery during digestion. AI Institute Food Systems. USA.

Woo-Ju Kim, Dennis R. Heldman. July 2022. Recovery of Cleaning Agents from Clean-In-Place (CIP) wastewater using Nanofiltration (NF) and Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (DCMD). Institute of Food Technologists. USA

Woo-Ju Kim, Dennis R. Heldman. July 2021. Evaluation of combined nanofiltration (NF) and forward osmosis/DCMD (FO/DCMD) for recovery of cleaning agents from CIP waste streams. Institute of Food Technologists. USA

Veeramani Karuppuchamy, Woo-Ju Kim, and Dennis R. Heldman. July 2020. Effect of adhesion and cohesion on efficacy of air impingement to remove food deposit from food-contact surfaces. Institute of Food Technologists. USA

Woo-Ju Kim, Veeramani Karuppuchamy, and Dennis R. Heldman. July 2020. Investigation of shear stress induced on a surface by air impingement and correlation with removal of food deposit. Institute of Food Technologists. USA

Jeong, K.O., Woo-Ju Kim, Cheon, H.L., and Kang, D.H. June 2017. Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Spindle and Stomacher for Detaching Biofilms from Stainless Steel, PVC, and Green Leafy Vegetable Surfaces. Annual convention of Korea Society of Food Science and Technology, Jeju, Korea

Woo-Ju Kim, Jeong, K.O., and Kang, D.H. June 2017. Inhibition of initial attachment of injured microorganism onto abiotic surfaces. Annual convention of Korea Society of Food Science and Technology, Jeju, Korea
◾ Woo-Ju Kim, Dennis R. Heldman , Cleaning operations for food manufacturing facilities, New Challenges in Food Safety, 제주 해비치 , 2023김우주
◾ 김우주 (Woo-Ju Kim), Numerical and Deep-Learning Based Apporach for Prediction of Forward Osmosis (FO) Performance, Unleashing Innovation in Food Technology and Industry, 휘트닉스파크(섭지코지), 2023김우주
◾ Woo-Ju Kim, A stepwise apporach for predicting the performance of forward osmosis (FO) operation, Sustainable Food Innovation : A bridge to the Future For All, 제주 ICC 컨벤션, 2023김우주

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