◾ Inactivation of foodborne pathogens on fruit juice with different solid contents by using pilot-scale 915 MHz microwave heating system, LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.213 pp.116924~116924, 2024김우주
◾ Plant-based biomaterials as scaffolds for cellular agriculture, Future Foods, vol.10 pp.100468~100468, 2024김우주
◾ Evaluation of plant-based composite materials as 3D printed scaffolds for cell growth and proliferation in cultivated meat applications, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, vol.160 pp.110823~110823, 2024김우주
◾ A diffusion-driven model for deposit removal during water rinse, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, vol.59 No.10 pp.7381~7390, 2024김우주
◾ Clean-In-Place (CIP) wastewater management using nanofiltration (NF)-forward osmosis (FO)-direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD): Effects of draw salt, Food Research International, vol.178, 2024김우주
◾ Forward osmosis and direct contact membrane distillation: Emerging membrane technologies in food and beverage processing, INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, vol.93, 2024김우주
◾ Synergistic effects of 915 MHz microwave heating and essential oils on inactivation of foodborne pathogen in hot-chili sauce, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY, vol.398, 2023김우주
◾ Recovery of cleaning agents from clean-in-place (CIP) wastewater using nanofiltration (NF) and forward osmosis (FO), Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol.53, 2023김우주
◾ Recovery of cleaning agents from Clean-In-Place (CIP) wastewater using nanofiltration (NF) and direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD), FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, vol.167, 2023김우주
◾ Effect of temperature, wall shear stress, and NaOH concentration on cleaning effectiveness, Journal of Food Science, vol.88 No.4 pp.1523~1532, 2023김우주
◾ A stepwise approach to predict the performance of forward osmosis operation: Effect of temperature and flow direction, Desalination, 2022김우주
◾ Influence of cleaning agent reuse on cleaning effectiveness, Journal of Food Engineering, 2022김우주
◾ Evaluation of maximum wall shear stress from air impingement to remove food deposits from stainless steel surfaces, Journal of Food Engineering, 2022김우주
◾ Comparison of flow characteristics in a bench‐scale system with commercial‐scale pipelines: Use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Journal of Food Science, 2021김우주
◾ Predicting the performance of direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD): Mathematical determination of appropriate tortuosity based on porosity, Journal of Food Engineering, 2021김우주
◾ Combination effect of 915 MHz microwave heating and carvacrol for inactivation of Escherichia coli O157: H7, Salmonella Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes in hot chili sauce, Food Control, vol.121, 2021김우주
◾ A mathematical estimation of the structural parameter for prediction of Forward Osmosis (FO) performance, Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol.39, 2021김우주
◾ Thermal and non-thermal treatment effects on Staphylococcus aureus biofilms formed at different temperatures and maturation periods, Food Research International, vol.137, 2020김우주
◾ Synergistic effect of 222-nm krypton-chlorine excilamp and mild heating combined treatment on inactivation of Escherichia coli O157: H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium in apple juice, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2020김우주
◾ Comparison of spindle and stomacher efficacy for detaching biofilms from stainless steel, PVC, and green leafy vegetable surfaces, British Food Journal, vol.122 No.2 pp.503~514, 2020김우주
◾ Inactivation of foodborne pathogens influenced by dielectric properties, relevant to sugar contents, in chili sauce by 915 MHz microwaves, LWT, vol.96 pp.111~118, 2018김우주
◾ Effect of relative humidity on inactivation of foodborne pathogens using chlorine dioxide gas and its residues on tomatoes, Letters in applied microbiology, vol.67 No.2 pp.154~160, 2018김우주
◾ Inhibition of Initial Attachment of Injured Salmonella Typhimurium onto Abiotic Surfaces, Journal of Food Protection, 2018김우주
◾ Eunseo Ji, Woo-Ju Kim, Quantitative Prediction of CIP(Clean-In-Place) Process by Coupling Ultrasound and Machine Learning, Future Food Safety: the role of food technology, 제주 해비치 , 2024김우주
◾ Youngmin Heo, Woo-Ju Kim, Antibiotics Alternatives for the Application to Cultivated Meat Production, Future Food Safety: the role of food technology, 제주 해비치 , 2024김우주
◾ Da Hyeon Yang, In-Hwan Lee, Woo-Ju Kim, Mechanical properties analysis of cultured meat based on plant-derived materials, Advances in Farm to Table Technologies fro Human Health, 제주도 ICC, 2024김우주
◾ Woo-Ju Kim, Dennis R. Heldman , Effects of Organic Compounds on the CIP (Clean-In-Place) Operation, IFT FIRST Annual Event & Expo 2024, 시카고 McCormick Place Convention Center, 2024김우주
◾ Da Hyeon Yang, In-Hwan Le , Woo-Ju Kim, The Potential of Plant-Based Materials as a Scaffold for Cultured Meat Production , Quantum Leap in Value-Creating Technology for Future Meta-Food Science, 제주도 ICC, 2024김우주
◾ Youngmin Heo, Woo-Ju Kim, Dong-Hyun Kang, Inactivation efficiency of foodborne pathogen depending on solid contents of fruit juice using 915 MHz microwave heating system, Quantum Leap in Value-Creating Technology for Future Meta-Food Science, 제주도 ICC, 2024김우주
◾ Woo-Ju Kim, Dennis R. Heldman , Cleaning operations for food manufacturing facilities, New Challenges in Food Safety, 제주 해비치 , 2023김우주
◾ 김우주 (Woo-Ju Kim), Numerical and Deep-Learning Based Apporach for Prediction of Forward Osmosis (FO) Performance, Unleashing Innovation in Food Technology and Industry, 휘트닉스파크(섭지코지), 2023김우주
◾ Woo-Ju Kim, A stepwise apporach for predicting the performance of forward osmosis (FO) operation, Sustainable Food Innovation : A bridge to the Future For All, 제주 ICC 컨벤션, 2023김우주