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Sung Hee Park
Food Process Engineering (Emerging Technologies, Combination Technologies)
Doctor of Philosophy (2012),Department of Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University, USA
Master (2007), Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resources, Konkuk University, Korea
Bachelor (2005),Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resources, Konkuk University, Korea
2019.02. ~ present: Assistant Professor, Dept. Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul,Korea
2015.09. ~ 2018.02.: Assistant Professor, Dept. Marine Food Science and Technology, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung-si, Gangwondo, Korea
2015.03. ~ 2015.08.: Academic Research Professor, Department of Bioindustrial Technologies, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
2014.03. ~ 2015.01.: Post Doctorate Fellow, Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, University of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA
2012.04. ~ 2014.02.: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Department of Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University, Ohio, USA
2008.10. ~ 2012.03.: Graduate Research Associate, Department of Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University, Ohio, USA
Research Areas
Food Process Engineering
Emerging Technologies (High Pressure Processing, Ohmic Heating)
Combination Technologies (Infrared Assisted Freeze Drying, Microwave Assisted Freeze Drying)
Food Process Engineering
Advanced Unit Operation
Physical Chemistry of Food
Selected Publications
Yeon-Ji Jo, Sung Hee Park*. (2019). Evaluation of energy efficacy and texture of ohmically cooked noodles. Journal of Food Engineering, 248, 71-79.

Apinya Khampakool, Salinee Soisungwan, Sung Hee Park*. (2019). Potential application of infrared assisted freeze
drying (IRAFD) for banana snacks: Drying kinetics, energy consumption, and texture. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 99, 355-363.

Chaiwat Monmai, Sung Hee Park, SangGuan You, Woo Jung Park*. (2018). Immuno-enhancement effect of polysaccharide extracted from Stichopus japonicus on cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression mice. Food Science and Biotechnology, 27, 565-573.

Sang-Gi Min, Yeon -Ji Jo, Sung Hee Park*. (2017). Potential application of static
hydrothermal processing to produce the protein hydrolysates from porcine skin by-products. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 83, 18-25.

Bing Yan, Sung Hee Park, V.M. Balasubramaniam*. (2017). Influence of high pressure homogenization with and without lecithin on particle size and physicochemical properties of whey protein-based emulsions. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40, e12578.

Sung Hee Park, Yeon-Ji Jo, Ji-Yeon Chun, Geun-Pyo Hong, Mi-Jung Choi*. (2015). Effect of frozen storage temperature on the quality of premium ice cream. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources, 35, 6, 793-799.

Sung Hee Park, Jae-Hyeong Kim, Sang-Gi Min, Yeon-Ji Jo*, Ji-Yeon Chun*. (2015). Effects of ethanol addition on the efficiency of subcritical water extraction of proteins and amino acids from porcine placenta. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources, 35, 265-271.

Sung Hee Park, V.M. Balasubramaniam*, Sudhir K Sastry. (2014). Quality of Shelf-Stable Low-Acid Vegetables Processed Using Pressure-Ohmic-Thermal Sterilization. LWT Food Science and Technology, 57, 243-252.

Sung Hee Park, V.M. Balasubramaniam*, Sudhir K Sastry, Jiyoung Lee. (2013). Pressure-Ohmic Thermal Sterilization: a feasible approach for the inactivation of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 19, 115-123.

Sung Hee Park, V.M. Balasubramaniam*, Sudhir K Sastry. (2013). Estimating pressure induced changes in vegetable tissue using in situ electrical conductivity measurement and instrumental analysis. Journal of Food Engineering, 114, 47-56.
Journal Papers
◾ Rapid safety assessment of reconstituted infant formula using electrical impedance analysis, INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL, vol.159 No.159 pp.106072~, 2024박성희
◾ Heat penetration and quality attributes of superheated steam sterilization (SHS) home meal replacement (HMR) meat products stew, LWT - Food Science and Technology, No.191 pp.115621~, 2023
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Potential application of electrical conductivity measurement for freshness assessment of tofu, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, vol.352 pp.114202~, 2023
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Heat penetration and quality analysis of retort processed vegetables for home meal replacement foods, Food Science and Biotechnology, vol.32 No.8 pp.1057~1065, 2023
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Rapid freshness evaluation of cow milk at different storage temperatures using in situ electrical conductivity measurement, INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, vol.81, 2022
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Application of ohmic cooking to produce a soy protein-based meat analogue, LWT-Food Science and Technology, vol.160 No.160 pp.113271~, 2022
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Evaluation of Non-Thermal Decontamination Processes to Have the Equivalence of Thermal Process in Raw Ground Chicken, Food Science of Animal Resources, vol.42 No.1 pp.142~152, 2022
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Efficacy of Ohmic Vacuum Concentration for orange juice concentrates and their physicochemical properties under different voltage gradients, LWT-Food Science and Tecchnology, vol.154, 2022
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Evaluation of infrared assisted freeze drying for strawberry snacks: drying kinetics, energy efficiency and quality attributes, Food Science and Biotechnology, vol.30 No.8 pp.1087~1096, 2021
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Effect of non-thermal pasteurization on minced chicken meat based pet food and its quality attributes through gamma ray and electron beam irradiation, Food Engineering Progress, vol.25 No.2 pp.139~146, 2021
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Antioxidant Effect of Wheat Germ Extracts and Their Antilipidemic Effect in Palmitic Acid-Induced Steatosis in HepG2 and 3T3-L1 Cells, Foods, vol.10 No.5, 2021
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ 생계육의 반려동물 사료 이용을 위한 열처리 및 비열처리 단백질 분해 시험, Animals, vol.11 No.5 pp.1256~, 2021
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Rapid production of dried sea cucumber (stichopus japonicus) using infrared assisted freeze drying (IRAFD), Food Eng. Prog., vol.24 No.4 pp.292~298, 2020
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Infrared Assisted Freeze-Drying (IRAFD) to Produce Shelf-Stable Insect Food from Protaetia brevitarsis (White-Spotted Flower Chafer) Larva, Food Science of Animal Resources, vol.40 No.5 pp.813~830, 2020
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Ohmic cooking of instant rice cake soup: energy efficiency and textural qualities, Food Science and Biotechnology, vol.29 No.5 pp.641~649, 2020
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Production of High-Quality, Semi-dried Dorumuk (Arctoscopus japonicus) through Infrared-Assisted Air Drying, Food Engineering Progress, vol.23 No.4 pp.265~269, 2019
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Static hydrothermal processing and fractionation for production of a collagen peptide with anti-oxidative and anti-aging properties, Process Biochemistry, vol.83 pp.176~182, 2019
[원문보기] 박성희
◾ Evaluating the Feasibility of Ohmic Cooking for Home Meal Replacement Curry: Analysis of Energy Efficacy and Textural Qualities, International Journal of Food Engineering, vol.15 No.8, 2019
[원문보기] 박성희
Conference Papers
◾ Jun Bo Shim, Yoo Jin Kwon, Cho Yeon Kim, Ye Won Kim, Sung Hee Park, Application of Direct Steam Treatment of Tomato Sauce and Its Quality Attributes, Greenbio Food Tech for Sustainable Coexistence between the Agriculture and Food Industries, 경상북도 안동시 안동체육관(R1). 안동시청소년수련관 대강당, 2024박성희
◾ Ye Won Kim, Jun Bo Shim, Yoo jin Kwon, Cho Yeon Kim, Sung Hee Park, Process control of ohmic fermentation for yogurt production based on electrical conductivity, QUANTUM LEAP in VALUE-CREATING TECHNOLOGY FOR FUTURE META-FOOD SCIENCE, 대구광역시 대구 엑스코, 2024박성희
◾ Yoo Jin Kwon, Cho Yeon Kim, Ye Won Kim, Jun Bo Shim, Sung Hee Park, Application of ohmic heating for pretreatment of tomato sauce before sterilization, QUANTUM LEAP in VALUE-CREATING TECHNOLOGY FOR FUTURE META-FOOD SCIENCE, 대구광역시 대구 엑스코, 2024박성희
◾ Cho Yeon Kim, Ye Won Kim, Sung Hee Park, Using electrical impedance analysis of reconstituted infant formula freshness measurement, QUANTUM LEAP in VALUE-CREATING TECHNOLOGY FOR FUTURE META-FOOD SCIENCE, 대구광역시 대구 엑스코, 2024박성희
◾ Cho Yeon Kim, Ye Won Kim, Yoo Jin Kim, Jun Bo Shim, Sung Hee Park, Use of Superheated Steam Treatment (SST) for Simultaneous Cooking and Sterilization for Shelf Stable Home Meal Replacement (HMR) Chicken Soup, Connecting Academia with Industry towards Cutting-Edge Food Technology, 강원도 강릉시 강릉 라카이샌드파인 리조트 컨벤션센터, 2024박성희
◾ Cho Yeon Kim, Ye Won Kim, Han Soo Ahn, Yohan Yoon, Rak Hyeon Kim, Sung Hee Park, Heat Penetration and Quality Attributes of Superheated Steam Sterilized Home Meal Replacement (HMR) Kimchijjigae, Unleashing Innovation in Food Technology and Industry, 제주 휘닉스파크(섭지코지) 아일랜드볼룸, 2023박성희
◾ Cho Yeon Kim, Ye Won Kim, Da Hyeon Kim, Ha Gyeong Hwang, Sung Hee Park, Heat penetration characteristics and quality attributes of superheated steamed for continuous roasting of chicken, Sustainable Food Innovation A Bridge to the Future For All, 제주 ICC, 2023박성희
◾ Ye Won Kim, Seung Su Yu, Han Soo Ahn, Cho Yeon Kim, Sung Hee Park, Potential application of electrical conductivity measurement for freshness assessment of Tofu, Sustainable Food Innovation A Bridge to the Future For All, ICC 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023박성희
◾ Ye Won Kim, Cho Yeon Kim, Han Soo Ahn, Seung Su Yu, Sangeun Park, Shinyoung Cho, Yohan Yoon, Hanla Lee, Sung Hee Park, Potential of Superheated Steam Sterilization to Produce the Shelf Stable Home Meal Replacement Galbi-Tang, New Paradigm for the Future Animal-derived Foods with the Combination of Traditional Livestock & Foodtech, 전남 김대중 컨벤션센터, 2023박성희
◾ Ye Won Kim, Han Soo Ahn, Ha Gyeong Hwang, Joung Woo Lee, Sung Hee Park, Microbial efficacy of different Plasma Forming Gases and their quality attributes for rice embryo during cold plasma treatment, Next Level of Food Industry: Translation of Tailored Food to Our Diet, 강릉 라카이샌드파인 리조트 컨벤션센터 라카이볼룸, 2023박성희
◾ Cho Yeon Kim, Seung Su Yu, Da Hyeon Kim, Joung Woo Lee, Sung Hee Park, Efficacy of Different Plasma Forming Gases on Microbial Inactivation and Quality Attributes of Sesame during Cold Plasma Pasteurization, Next Level of Food Industry : Translation of Tailored Food to Our Diet, 강릉 라카이샌드파인 리조트 컨벤션센터 라카이볼룸, 2023박성희
◾ Han Soo Ahn, Seung Su Yu, Yohan Yoon, Kyung Rae Lee, Sung Hee Park, Effect of retort temperature and holding time on quality attributes of home meal replacement (HMR) Korean sausage stew, Food technologies for shared planet, 제주도, 해비치호텔 & 리조트 그랜드볼룸, 2022박성희
◾ Seung Su Yu, Han Soo Ahn, Yeon Jae Kim, Jun Young Kang, Joung Woo Lee, Sung Hee Park, Efficacy of stirred cold plasma and negative ion system for non-thermal pasteurization and quality attributes of sesame, Food technologies for shared planet, 제주도, 해비치호텔 & 리조트 그랜드볼룸, 2022박성희
◾ Seung Su Yu, Han Soo Ahn,Sung Hee Park , Heat penetration study of superheated steam sterilization (SHS) for home meal replacement (HMR) products and their quality attributes, Carving a New Era In Food Science & Biotechnology, 부산 벡스코, 2022박성희
◾ Jeong Hyeon Hwang, Ah Hyun Jung, Seung Su Yu, Han Soo Ahn, Sung Hee Park, Rapid Freshness Evaluation of Cow Milk at Different Storage Temperatures Using In Situ Electrical Conductivity Measurement, Paradigm Shift in Innovatvie Technologies for Sustainable Foods of Animal Resources, 한국식품연구원(전북 완주), 2022박성희
◾ Han Soo Ahn, Seung Su Yu,Joung Woo Lee ,Sung Hee Park , Non-Thermal Pasteurization of Cold Plasma and Negative Ion treatment for Sesame and Its Quality Attributes, Sustainable Food Industry for the Post-pandemic Era, 한국식품연구원(전북 완주), 2022박성희
◾ Ah Hyun Jung, Jeong Hyeon Hwang, Rapid freshness estimation of Makgeilli using in situ electrical conductivity measurement, Food Technology for V-nomics, 강릉 라카이샌드파인리조트 컨벤션 센터, 2021박성희
◾ Ah Hyun Jung, Jeong Hyeon Hwang, Su Wang Kang, Kang Hyun Chung, Sung Hee Park, Application of ohmic cooking to produce the soy protein based meat analogue, K-Foods in the Post-Covid-19 Era: Health and Convenience, 대전 컨벤션 센터, 2021박성희
◾ Jeong Hyeon Hawng, Ah Hyun Jung, Seung Soo Yoo, Chang Heon Lee, Sung Hee Park, Ohmic vacuum concentration for production of value added orange juice concentrates, K-Foods in the Post-Covid-19 Era: Health and Convenience, 대전 컨벤션센터, 2021박성희
◾ Su Wang Kang, Jeong Hyun Hwang, Ah Hyun Jung, Eunyoung Park, Sangeun Park, Yohan Yoon, Sung Hee Park, Effect of Non-thermal Pasteurization on Minced Chicken Meat Based Pet Food and Its Quality Attributes through Gamma ray and Electron Beam Irradation, K-Food & Smart Factory, aT센터 창조룸(온라인 오프라인 하이브리드형), 2021박성희
◾ Ah Hyun Jung, Jeong Hyeon Hwang, Hye Seung Chung, Ji Young Kim, Il-Shick Shin, Sung Hee Park, Production of microbiologically safe dried sea cucumber using infrared assisted freeze drying (IRAFD), New type food borne pathogens and food safety, 부산 BEXCO, 2020박성희
◾ Su Wang Kang, Jeong Hyeon Hwang, Kang-Hyun Chung, Sung Hee Park, Evaluation of infrared assisted freeze drying (IRAFD) for strawberry snacks: Drying kinetics, energy efficiency, quality and nutritional attributes, Get up Start up FOR THE FUTURE OF FOOD, 광주 김대중 컨벤션 센터, 2020박성희
◾ Apinya Khampakool, Salinee Soisungwan, SangGuan You, Sung Hee Park , Infrared assisted freeze drying (IRAFD) for edible insect (Protaetia brevitarsis): Drying kinetics, energy efficiency, quality and nutritional attributes, 2019 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting: New Paradigm for Future Food Science, 인천 송도컨벤시아, 2019박성희
◾ Sung Hee Park, Food product researches using combination technology (Abstract 44 page), 2019 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting: New Paradigm for Future Food Science, 인천 송도컨벤시아, 2019박성희
◾ Salinee Soisungwan, Apinya Khampakool, SangGuan You, Sung Hee Park, Feasibility Study of Ohmic Vacuum Concentration (OVC) for Production of Tomato Puree, Abstract Book of 2019 Korean Society of Food Engineering Spring Meeting, 세종대학교, 2019박성희
◾ 비가열살균 쌈장개발 (2022년 업종별 경쟁력 강화사업), 한국장류협동조합, 2022.04.~2022.09.박성희
◾ 레토르트 대체 차세대 멸균기술 적용 식육 포함 HMR 제품 및 생산공정 개발, 농림식품기술기획평가원, 2021.04.~2023.12.박성희
◾ 분말(분체) 병합살균 장치 사업화, 농림식품기술기획평가원, 2021.04.~2023.12.박성희
◾ 전기전도도 측정을 통한 콜드체인 식품 신속 선도 관리 기술 개발, 한국연구재단, 2021.03.~2024.02.박성희
◾ 사료 위해 미생물 제어를 위한 비열처리 기술 개발, 농림식품기술기획평가원, 2020.04.~2021.04.박성희
◾ 적외선 동결건조 기법을 이용한 고품질 건조 식품 제조, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.08.박성희
◾ 과냉각 식품관점에서의 해지 원인분석 및 이화학적 분석, LG전자(주), 2019.08.~2020.07.박성희
◾ 새싹작물 유용성분 강화를 통한 대사질환 개선 소재화 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.06.~2022.02.박성희
◾ 오믹 히팅(Ohmic Heating) 기술을 이용한 가정식 대체 식품(HMR, Home Meal Replacement) 개발, 한국연구재단, 2019.03.~2020.02.박성희
Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
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