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Kang, Sung Tae
1) B.S. in Dept of Food Science and Technology from Seoul National University (1983)
2) M.S. in Dept of Biological Science & Engineering in KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
3) Ph.D. in Dept. of Biological Science & Engineering in KAIST.
1) Korea Food Research Institute, Division of Food biochemistry and biotechnology, Researcher (1988.9~1990.6)
2) Visiting professor, Nagoya University, Japan, (1993.1.~1993.3.)
3) Visiting professor, Texas A&M University, USA, (1995.12.~1996.12.)
4) Associate manuscript editor of Korean Society for Microbiology and
Biotechnology (1998.1~1998.12)
5) Managing editor of The Korean Food Professional Engineers Association
(2003.1. ~ 2003.12)
6) KT mark jury of Korean Industrial Technology Association
(2002.1~ present)
7) USDA WRRC CIU Research Scientist (2005.2.~2006.2)
Research Areas
(1)Production of value-added products, such as diglyceride or structured lipids by using an immobilized enzyme or immobilized cell bioreactor
(2)Development of improved methods for the manufacture of yogurt and other dairy products.
(3)Microbiology of yogurt making
(4)Microbiological contamination & control (Studies on the factors that affect microbiological safety of processed foods and beverages).
(5)Utilization of food material as antimicrobial agent, and
(6)Development of new analytical method core material in microcapsule and its stability test.
Journal Papers
Reduction of the bacteria from fecal contaminated diapers through washing and heating
Korean J.of Microbiology, Vol.5 (2) 126~132 (2015),

Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of yogurt added with acanthopanax powder,
KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL.,Vol 47(6) 765~771 (2015)

Hazardous Heavy Metal Contents of Mushrooms from Retail Markets in Seoul,
KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL. Vol. 46(3) 283~287 (2014)

Investigation of antimicrobial activity and stability of orixa japonica thunb. Leaf extract,
KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL.,Vol. 46(1), 39~43 (2014)

Effects of UV Sterilization on Quality of Acer mono Sap,
Journal of Korean Society of Food and Nutrition, vol 42(1), 148~152 (2013)
◾ Investigating the Fermentation and Quality Characteristics of Low-Malt Beer With Nurungji: A Potential Malt Substitute in Beer Production, Food Engineering Progress, vol.28 No.2 pp.77~84, 2024강성태
◾ Quality Characteristics of Beer Produced Using Coix lacryma-jobi Bran Extract, Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life, 2023강성태
◾ Changes in Total Polyphenol, Flavonoid Contents and Antioxidant Activity of Nurungji added with Turmeric Powder according to Heating Condition, Food Engineering Progress, vol.26 No.4 pp.228~233, 2022강성태
◾ Antioxidant Activity and Quality Characteristics of Nurungji Prepared with Purple Sweet Potato According to Addition Times and Powder Contents, Food Engineering Progress, vol.26 No.2 pp.91~97, 2022강성태
◾ Quality characteristics of nurungji added with barley sprout powder, Food Eng. Prog, vol.25 No.1 pp.1~7, 2021
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Effects of aronia (aronia melanocarpa) on the sensory and microbiological properties of nabak kimchi during fermentation, Food Eng. Prog., vol.24 No.3 pp.200~206, 2020
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Quality characteristics of beer with pine bark extract, Food Engineering Progress, vol.24 No.1 pp.38~44, 2020
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Quality characteristics of low malt beer made with moisturized and heat treated purple corn, ournal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, vol.48 No.8 pp.887~895, 2019
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Saccharification and alcohol fermentation characteristics of a mixture of tapioca and hulled barley, KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL., vol.51 No.1 pp.18~23, 2019
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ 죽엽 추출액을 이용한 젤리 품질평가 및 구강세균에 대한 항균효과, J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., vol.33 No.3 pp.283~290, 2018
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Quality characteristics of sponge cake made with aronia powder, KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL, vol.50 No.1 pp.69~75, 2018
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ 레몬그라스 열수 추출물의 첨가가 호상 요구루트의 품질 특성 및 산화방지 활성에 미치는 영향, KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL., vol.49 No.6 pp.625~631, 2017
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ 생강계피 복합물이 장내 유익균 증식 및 염증조절 기능에 미치는 영향, J Appl Biol Chem, vol.60 No.4 pp.321~326, 2017
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Lipase Catalyzed Methanolysis of Tri-(12-Hydroxy Stearoyl)-Glycerol in Organic Solvents, Advances in Enzyme Research, vol.4 No.4 pp.152~157, 2016
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ 죽엽(솜대)의 항산화 성분 및 구강세균에 대한 항균 효과, Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, vol.45 No.9 pp.1265~1272, 2016
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Quality characteristics of sponge cake with lemon grass powder, KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL, vol.48 No.4 pp.347~353, 2016
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of yogurt added with acanthopanax powder, KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL., vol.47 No.6 pp.765~771, 2015
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ 홍삼박 분말을 첨가한 머핀의 품질 특성, 한국식품영양과학회지, vol.44 No.7 pp.1050~1057, 2015
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Reduction of the bacteria from fecal contaminated diapers through washing and heating, 미생물학회지, vol.5 No.2 pp.126~132, 2015
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Monitoring and risk assessment of pesticide residues in commercial environment-friendly agricultural products distributed using LC-MS/MS in Seoul metropolitan area, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, vol.47 No.3 pp.306~320, 2015
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Quality characteristics of noodles added with freeze-dried fish scale collagen mixture powder, J. Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr, vol.44 No.3 pp.449~454, 2015
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Hazardous Heavy Metal Contents of Mushrooms from Retail Markets in Seoul, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, vol.46 No.3 pp.283~287, 2014
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Reduction of benzo(a)pyrene content in sesame oil by using adsorbents, J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr, vol.43 No.4 pp.564~569, 2014
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ 상산나무 잎 추출물의 항균활성 및 안정성 조사 Investigation of antimicrobial activity and stability of orixa japonica thunb. Leaf extract, KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL, vol.46 No.1 pp.39~43, 2014
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Effects of UV sterilization on quality of acer mono sap, Journal of Korean Society of Food and Nutrition, vol.42 No.1 pp.148~152, 2013
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Analysis and uncertainty estimation of zearalenone in cereal-based products by LC-MS/MS, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, vol.44 No.6 pp.658~665, 2012
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Sodium azide and metal chelator effects on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging compounds from methylene blue photosensitized lard, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LIPID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.114 No.7 pp.780~786, 2012
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Alcohol fermentation of uncooked ground rice with ultrasonication process, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, vol.44 No.3 pp.306~311, 2012
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Monitoring of Trans Fatty Acid and Cholesterol of Bakery Products Sold at Retail in Seoul Area, 한국식품위생안전성학회지, vol.26 No.3 pp.227~234, 2011
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Bcl-X-L prevents serum deprivation-induced oxidative stress mediated by Romo1, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, vol.25 No.5 pp.1337~1342, 2011
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Effects of Infrared Pasteurization on Quality of Red Pepper Powder, 한국식품과학회지, vol.43 No.2 pp.156~160, 2011
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Survey of Heavy Metal Contents and Intake Rates After Decoction in Herbal Medicines Classified by Parts, 한국식품위생안전성학회지, vol.25 No.4 pp.402~409, 2010
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Analysis on Pesticide Residue in Medicinal Dried Fruits, 농약과학회지, vol.14 No.3 pp.209~218, 2010
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Heavy Metal Contents of Vegetables from Korean Markets, 한국식품과학회지, vol.42 No.4 pp.502~507, 2010
[원문보기] 강성태
◾ Effect of UV Sterilization on Quality of Centrifuged Takju during Storage, 한국식품영양과학회지, vol.39 No.3 pp.461~466, 2010
[원문보기] 강성태
Conference Papers
2015 KFN International Symposium and Annual Meeting
Optimization for the fermentation process of Solanum nigrum vinegar and its quality evaluation

2015 KFN International Symposium and Annual Meeting
Influence of the addition of red ginseng marc powder on the Influence of the addition of red ginseng quality and antioxidant activity of muffins

The 65th Annual Meeting of KFN
Quality Characteristics of Muffins Containing Fish Scale collagen Powder

Korean J. Food sci.& Tech.
Effects of Sterilization and Quality Properties of Vegetable Extract Pouch Pack Using Infrared Radiation
◾ 이현호 서주한 강성태, Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Sapindus mukorossi Pericarp Extract according to the Extraction Method, 뷰카(VUCA)시대의 식생활을 논하다, 경희대학교(서울캠퍼스) 청운관 지하1층, 2023강성태
◾ 이유빈 강성태, 카페인과 테아닌의 길항작용으로 인한 심리적 진정효과, 뷰카(VUCA)시대의 식생활을 논하다, 경희대학교(서울캠퍼스) 청운관 지하1층, 2023강성태
◾ Yong-Han Choi, Ji-Eun Yong, Sung-Tae Kang, Quality characteristics of wet noodles added with barley sprout powder, Next Level of Food Industry: Translation of Tailored Food to Our Diet, 강릉, 라카이샌드파인리조트 컨벤션센터 라카이볼룸, 2023강성태
◾ Yeseul Kim, Jieun Yong, Seyeon Hong, Jinyoung Park, and Sungtea Kang, Polyphenol, flavonoid contents, and antioxidant activity of dry-heated Coix lacryma-jobi, AI, Big Data, and Cloud technologies for next generation nutrition, JW Marriott Hotel Seoul, 2022강성태
◾ Jieun Yong, Seyeon Hong, Jinyoung Park, and Sungtae Kang, Quality characteristics of low malt beer made with Nurungji, AI, Big Data, and Cloud technologies for next generation nutrition, JW Marriott Hotel Seoul, 2022강성태
◾ Ji-Young Na1, Min-Su Chang2, Sung-Tae Kang1, Determination of preservatives in red ginseng products according to food types, 2021년도 (사)한국산업식품공학회 추계 정기총회 및 학술대회, 강릉 라카이샌드파인리조트 컨벤션센터 라카이볼룸, 2021강성태
◾ Ji-Eun Yong, Se-Yeon Hong, Sung-Tae Kang, Total Polyphenol, Flavonoid, Curcuminoids Contents, and Antioxidant Activity of Nurungji added with Turmeric Powder according to Heating Condition, 2021년도 (사)한국산업식품공학회 추계 정기총회 및 학술대회, 강릉 라카이샌드파인리조트 컨벤션센터 라카이볼룸, 2021강성태
◾ 박주선, 정창헌, 강성태, Antioxidant and Physiological Activities of Barley Sprout by Extraction Temperature, 2020 한국산업식품공학회 춘계학술대회, 온라인, 2020강성태
◾ Jong Soo Oh, Hyeon Su Roh, Ju Seon Park, Sung Tae Kang, Effects of sucrose addition on fermentation in fermented bee feed Using Bacillus subtilis, 2019 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting, 인천 송도 컨벤시아, 2019강성태
◾ HyeonSu Roh, SungTae Kang, Effect of Extract of Aronia (Photinia melanocarpa) on the Growth of Lactic Acid Bacteria, 2017 KFN International Symposium and Annual Meeting [Translational Food & Nutrition Research for Hea, 경주 화백컨벤션센터, 2017강성태
◾ Min Ju Kim, Hyeon Su Roh, Sung Tae Kang, Quality characteristics and shelf?life of yogurt added with lemon grass powder, 2017 KoSFoST [The role of food scientists & food industries for food security], 제주ICC, 2017강성태
◾ 이유리, 양청희, 강경민, 김혜진, 강성태, 이수영, Assessment of the in vivo trace metal toxicity for plant tissue using micro fiber probe., 2016 13th Creativity & Fusion CONFERENCE, 한국사이버대학교 B동, 2016강성태
◾ MinJu Kim, Sung Tae Kang, Min Kyung Lim, Characteristics of Coffee Bean in Relation to Roasting and Sonification of Microbes from Unroasted Coffee Bean, 2016 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting, 대구, 2016강성태
◾ MinJu Kim, Sung Tae Kang, Tak Ju, Hanseul Oh, Quality Characteristics and Antioxidant of Sponge Cake with Lemon Grass, 2016 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting, 대구, 2016강성태
◾ Hanseol Oh, Yong Sik Kwak, Joo Tak, Youmin Jung, and Sungtae Kang, Optimization for the fermentation process of Solanum nigrum vinegar and its quality evaluation, 2015 KFN International Symposium and Annual Meeting, Alpensia Convention Center, Pyeongchang, Korea, 2015강성태
◾ Joo Tak, Hanseol Oh, Youmin Jung, and Sungtae Kang, Influence of the addition of red ginseng marc powder on the Influence of the addition of red ginseng quality and antioxidant activity of muffins, 2015 KFN International Symposium and Annual Meeting, Alpensia Convention Center, Pyeongchang, Korea, 2015강성태
◾ Hanseul Oh, Youmin Jung, Tak Joo, EuiChung Hwang, Sungtae Kang, Quality Characteristics of Muffins Containing Fish Scale collagen Powder, The 65st Annual Meeting of KFN(2014년도 한국식품영양과학회 국제심포지엄 및 제 65차 학술대회), Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, 2014강성태
◾ Youmin Jung, Tak Joo, Hanseul Oh, Eun Jung Bang, Sungtae Kang, Quality Characteristics of Noodles Added with Freeze-dried Fish Scale Collagen Powder and Herb Extract, The 81st Annual Meeting of KosFost, Kimdaejung Convention Center/ Gwangju, 2014강성태
◾ Seung Kwan Choi, Su Bin Choe, Sung Tae kang., Reduction of Benzo(a)pyrene Content in Sesame Oil by Using Adsorbents, 한국식품영양과학회 및 정기총회, 광주 김대중 컨벤션센, 2013강성태
◾ Subin Choe*, Sungtae Kang, Antimicrobial Activity of Orixa japonica Leaf Extract, 한국식품과학회 및 정기총회, 천안아트센터, 2013강성태
◾ Subin Choe*, Sungtae Kang, Effects of Sterilization and Quality Properties of Vegetable Extract Pouch Pack Using Infrared Radiation, 한국식품과학회 정기총회, 천안아트센, 2013강성태
◾ Su-Bin Choe, Sang-Jin Han, Ouk-Hee Han, Hak-Su Kim, Sung-Tae Kang., Effects of UV Sterilization on Quality of Acer mono Sap, 2012 한국식품영양과학회 및 정기총회, ICC 제주도, 2012강성태
◾ Su-Bin Choe, Sang-Jin Han, Ouk-Hee Han, Hak-Su Kim, Sung-Tae Kang., Simultaneous Analytical Method of Residual Pesticides in Agricultural Products Using QuEChERS Sample Preparation Method, 2012 한국식품과학회 79차 정기총회, 대전 컨벤션 센터, 2012강성태
◾ Su Bin Choe, Mi Kyung Yeom, Duck Boung Kang, Sung Tae Kang, Shelf-life Extension of Acer mono Sap Using Food Preservatives, 2012 한국식품과학회 및 79차 정기총회, 대전 컨벤션 센터, 2012강성태
◾ 이경아 김희애 이예다솜 이유진 정진주 최은주, 건조과실류 약용식물의 잔류농약분석과 대추의 위해성 평가, 2010 International Symposium and Annual meeting, The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, Daegu, Korea, 2010강성태
◾ 한성희 김정헌 정진주 최은주 이유진, LC-MS를 이용한 농산물중 농업용 항생제 kasugamycin 분석, 한국식품과학회 제 77차 학술대회 초록집, 인천, 2010강성태
◾ 유하영 최은주 정진주 이유진, 국내에서 유통중인 채소류의 중금속함량에 관한 연구, 한국식품과학회 제 77차 학술대회 초록집?, 인천 송도, 2010강성태
◾ 이성갑, 강성태, 이옥, (최신 출제경향에 따른) 식품기사(산업기사) 시험문제, 저서, 979-11-5763-066-0, 백산출판사, 2015강성태
◾ 대표집필자: 오덕환, 두부류 제조·가공, 저서, 979-11-5940-683-6, 한국직업능력개발원, 2015강성태
◾ 대표집필자: 오덕환, 연·순두부류 제조·가공, 저서, 979-11-5940-684-3, 한국직업능력개발원, 2015강성태
◾ 대표집필자: 오덕환, 유부류 제조·가공, 저서, 979-11-5940-685-0, 한국직업능력개발원, 2015강성태
◾ 대표집필자: 오덕환, 두류식품 생산 관리, 저서, 979-11-5940-689-8, 한국직업능력개발원, 2015강성태
◾ 대표집필자: 오덕환, 두류식품 위생 관리, 저서, 979-11-5940-690-4, 한국직업능력개발원, 2015강성태
◾ 대표집필자: 오덕환, 두류식품 안전 관리, 저서, 979-11-5940-691-1, 한국직업능력개발원, 2015강성태
◾ 대표집필자: 오덕환, 묵류 제조·가공, 저서, 979-11-5940-686-7, 한국직업능력개발원, 2015강성태
◾ 대표집필자: 오덕환, 앙금류 제조·가공, 저서, 979-11-5940-687-4, 한국직업능력개발원, 2015강성태
◾ 대표집필자: 오덕환, 두유류 제조·가공, 저서, 979-11-5940-688-1, 한국직업능력개발원, 2015강성태
◾ 연구책임자: 권혜순, sweet potato, 저서, 978-89-960878-5-4, 농림수산식품부 : 농협, 2013강성태
Conveyer Type Sterilizing Apparatus,10-2013-0018000, 2013.02.20
◾ 아황산나트륨을 활용한 고로쇠 수?, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014강성태
◾ 소나무껍질 추출물을 이용한 맥주의 제조 및 품질특성, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.강성태
◾ 미래 신산업을 선도할 창의적 융합인재 양성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2018.03.~2019.02.강성태
◾ 배아밀을 원료로 한 꿀벌사료제조, 일진에프앤피 주식회사, 2017.07.~2017.10.강성태
◾ 건조 채소의 품질 특성평가, 파머스인테크(주), 2017.04.~2017.06.강성태
◾ 공학교육혁신 B/E/S/T Practice Model 구축, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2017.03.~2018.02.강성태
◾ 생강과 계피 추출물의 장 건강 기능성 확인 연구, 농림수산식품기술기획평가원, 2017.01.~2017.12.강성태
◾ 레몬그라스 분말을 첨가한 요구르트의 제조, (주)바이오리듬, 2016.09.~2016.12.강성태
◾ 돈까스 튀김가루의 결착력 향상에 대한 연구, 태영식품, 2015.10.~2015.12.강성태
◾ 유바의 제조 및 특성평가, 종로요리학원, 2015.07.~2015.12.강성태
◾ 홍삼박 분말 첨가량에 따른 머핀의 품질 특성, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2015.08.강성태
◾ 어린콜라겐의 동결건조혼합분말 첨가에 따른 칼국수의 품질 특성, 산학협력단, 2014.12.~2015.06.강성태
◾ LC-MS/MS를 이용한 수도권에 유통되는 친환경 농산물의 잔류농약 모니터링 및 안전성 평가, 산학협력단, 2014.11.~2015.06.강성태
◾ 귀저기 살균효과 실험, 유한킴벌리(주), 2014.04.~2014.08.강성태
◾ 콜라겐 빵의 개발 및 제빵 특성평가, 게놈앤메디신(주), 2014.03.~2014.09.강성태
◾ [LINC 2차]게놈앤메디신(주)-콜라겐 밀가루의 개발 및 제면 특성평가, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2013.05.~2013.08.강성태
◾ 지역친화형 산학협력 특성화사업(식품), 산학협력단, 2013.04.~2014.02.강성태
◾ 상산나무 잎 추출물의 항균활성, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.03.강성태
◾ 흡착제를 이용한 참기름의 벤조피렌 저감화, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.05.강성태
◾ [LINC사업] 맞춤형연구과제 - 적외선을 이용한 액상 파우치 살균기의 개발, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2012.08.~2013.01.강성태
◾ 지역친화형 산학협력 프로그램, 기획처, 2012.05.~2013.02.강성태
◾ 자외선 살균이 고로쇠 수액의 품질에 미치는 영향, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.강성태
◾ 아황산나트륨을 이용한 고로쇠수액의 저장성 향상, 본초지향, 2012.03.~2013.02.강성태
◾ 다소비식품 200품목에 대한 유해물질 안전관리 사업-식품별 위해개요서 개발, 식품의약품안전청, 2010.01.~2010.11.강성태
◾ 산업식품공학회지 24권 1호 게재 논문 "소나무껍질추출물을 이용한 맥주의 품질특성" 2020 추계 학술대회 및 워크숍에서 우수 논문상, 우수 논문상, Korean Society for Food Engineering, 2020강성태
Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
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